I\'ve heard that Java2D uses OpenGL behind the scenes to do it\'s rendering, and I\'ve wondered if it\'s worth it to use JOGL and all it\'s native libraries for my program wh开发者_运维百科ich is simp
I try to add cube mapping to my project but i get one error that i dont know how to fix it when i comment these few line every thing work fine but when they are in ...this error occur
I want to add a taskbar icon for my 开发者_开发技巧running lwjgl process on Windows 7. Display.setIcon changes successfully the icon in the topleft of the window, but not in the taskbar.
I\'ve implemented a camera in Java using a position vector and three direction vectors so I can use gluLookAt(); moving around in `ghost mode\' works fine enough, but I want to add collision detection
I\'m attempting to use the lwjgl library and I\'m starting from scratch on a new Windows 7 install. I downloaded the latest JDK 6 from the Oracle website.After installing it, I found that commands li
I\'m trying to use LWJGL to get whether a key is pressed.If the escape key is pressed, then the application quits.However, I can\'t get it to read any keyboard input, although Display.isCloseRequested
I am trying to understand how can I change UV mapping of a dome, I need a different texture map projection than this one coded below:
I am looking to develop a game for opengl and wondering what format you recommend for using internally. The idea being to open up for contributions so some format with a lot of features, open, availab
I really have an issue with mouseclicks in an isometric view. Simply i have a flat map, and, like i said, a camera in an isometric view. Now when i click in the window i want to get the Coordina开发者
So I have a bunch of addresses for my display lists. I can do those and get those 开发者_运维百科on the screen with GL11.glCallList(address) easily enough. My problem is that I don\'t know how to use