
I need a (simple), immutable, 2D vector library for Java or Scala

I've been searching for a whole day. I've tried Simplex3D Scala library. But it's poorly documented and I开发者_如何学Python don't even manage to get a vector normalized after downloading an older release because the current one doesn't run.

javax.vecmath is not immutable so it not nice to use in Scala.

commons-math is more into the scientific math direction with no convenience for 2D (or 3D) use.

I couldn't find one when I needed one. So I built one, and I've always been intending to release it. I'm too busy to do anything with it now, but I could probably make it available next week if a better answer is not forthcoming.

I've just done some more research. Slick2D seems to contain a Vector2f class that has immutable methods. Though that's not very much and can be done by hand in maybe an hour.

Here's the one I made for some simple game stuff.

It hardly perfect and it's not entirely immutable. I wanted non-immutable versions of the operators for some pieces of code. Originally it wrapped the Vector2 class of JBox2D as well, which lacked operator overloads and a bunch of other stuff.

package Ostkaka

import scala.math

 * Date: 2010-okt-06
class Vector2(private var _x: Float, private var _y: Float) {
  def x = _x
  def y = _y

  def +(v: Vector2) = {var c = Vector2(x, y); c += v; c}

  def +=(v: Vector2) = {
    this._x += v.x
    this._y += v.y

  def -(v: Vector2) = {var c = Vector2(x, y); c -= v; v}

  def -=(v: Vector2) = {
    this._x -= v.x
    this._y -= v.y

  def /(factor: Float) = {var c = Vector2(x, y); c /= factor; c}

  def /=(factor: Float) = {
    this *= (1 / factor);

  def *(factor: Float) = {var c = Vector2(x, y); c *= factor; c}

  def *=(factor: Float) = {
    this._x *= factor
    this._y *= factor

  def unary_- : Vector2 = Vector2(-x, -y)

  def magnitude = (math.sqrt (x * x + y * y).toDouble).toFloat

  def normalised = this / magnitude

  def dot(v: Vector2) = x * v.x + y * v.y

  def project(v: Vector2) = {
    val axis = v.normalised
    axis * (this dot axis)

object Vector2

  def zero = new Vector2(0, 0)

  def unitX = new Vector2(1, 0)

  def unitY = new Vector2(0, 1)

  implicit def Tuple2FloatToVector2(v: (Float, Float)): Vector2 = {
    new Vector2(v._1, v._2)

  def apply(): Vector2 = {
    new Vector2(0, 0)

  def apply(x: Float, y: Float): Vector2 = {
    new Vector2(x, y)


Simplex3d Math follows GLSL very closely, so any manual on GLSL will work as well.

You can normalize vector 'v' as follows: normalize(v)

Simplex3d Math is a library and does not come with runnable classes, so I am not sure what you mean by "the new release does not run." Please join the mailing list and give more details, I'll be more than happy to assist you there: http://groups.google.com/group/simplex3d-dev

Documentation will be improved for the next release.





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