I have this image: I want to read it to a string using python, which I didn\'t think would be that hard. I came upon tesseract, and then a wrapper for python scripts using tesseract.
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I\'m wondering if there is some kind of way to do fuzzy string matching in PHP. Looking for a word in a long string, finding a potential match even if its mis-spelled; something that would find it if
I need to find out the word in an image where user has clicked. So far i have succeeded in OCRing the image. I have a picturebox control in my c# app. user can draw a box around any text and drag it t
Here\'s a tough one: I need to be able to find a word\'s position and size (its frame) on the screen (its first occurence is enough, from there I should be able to get the next ones).
According to Wikipedia, \"The accurate recognition of Latin-script, typewritten text is now considered largely a solved problem on applications where clear imaging is available such as scanning of pri
i\'m working on project object detection using python because i\'m new on python i don\'t know how to fix this, i try all i can and still can\'t fix it, it was on loop detection