Everytime I do an objdump -dI always see the asm code with batches of nop instructions (instructions that do nothing)
I am trying to understand disassembly of a c# program using objdump, since I am using vsiaul c# 2008 express edition which does not display disassembly.
Consider a question \"Which segment of abc.o contains function foo()?\" Is this the same question as \"What section of ELF contains this function foo()?\"
[root@xxx memcached-1.4.5]# objdump -R memcached-debug |grep freeaddrinfo 0000000000629e10 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOTfreeaddrinfo
I want to run objdump on an execuatble file in windows XP, and want to observe the details. However, I am unable to find option to output the result in a text file - since the output display in consol
How do I find out which functions of a shared object are used by a program or an other library? In this specific case, I would like to see which functions in /lib/l开发者_C百科ibgcc1_s.so.1 are used b
How do I diff two binary files? I have two versions of a program, version 1 and version 2. I\'ve made a small number of changes between the two version, but unfortunately haven\'t been backing up reg
I was wondering if someone here had written/uses a script which parses the output of objdump and extracts opcodes from it? I have a very very trivial implementation but I\'m looking fo开发者_C百科r so
Is there anyway this can be done? I\'ve used objdump but that doesn\'t produce assembly output that will be accepted by any assembler that I kn开发者_开发问答ow of. I\'d like to be able to change inst
I have an object file and am trying to disassemble it. When I use: objdump -d example.o I get an assembly in code in the file format of 开发者_如何转开发elf64-x86-64.