
Using objdump for ARM architecture: Disassembling to ARM

I have an object file and am trying to disassemble it. When I use:

objdump -d example.o

I get an assembly in code in the file format of 开发者_如何转开发elf64-x86-64.

I am trying to disassemble this into ARM, how do I go about doing this?

If you want to do disassemble of ARM code, you'd better have an ARM tool chain, this is what I got:


After you have this, you can use arm-elf-objdump instead of objdump. The command I used is

arm-elf-objdump -D -b binary -marm binaryfile.dat

If you look the manpage, you will find "-b" is followed by the file type. Sorry I don't know how to tell -b you want to analyze a .o file. "-marm" will tell the cpu is ARM.

Hope this can help you.

Compile binutils with the right target(s) to get binutils objdump binary that knows how to disassemble ARM.


./configure --enable-targets=all for example.

Pick your targets, make and use the new objdump binary that is your-target-aware. See the binutils/README file for more information on targeting.

objdump -D t3c # stock binary
objdump: t3c: File format not recognized


./../../binutils-2.22/binutils/objdump -D t3c # latest compiled from source with all targets
In archive t3c:

t3c:arm:     file format mach-o-le

Disassembly of section .text:

00002d94 <start>:
    2d94:   e59d0000    ldr r0, [sp]

Before disassembling the binary, check the filetype via "file", for example:

file dnslookup.o

dnslookup.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

So now we know it is an ARM object or ELF file.

To disassemble arm object file use arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump. In Ubuntu, "arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump" is the default disassembler for ARM binaries - no compilation is needed.

To install it, just do:

sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi

There are also other binaries inside this package that can further analyze the ARM binaries for you.

Install the ELDK and use arm-linux-objdump. You're trying to disassemble ARM instructions using a program that only knows x86.





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