code: class Base<T,U> where T:Base<T,U>,new()where U :class { protected static U _val = null;
class Bus<T> { static Bus() { foreach(FieldInfo fi in typeof(T).GetFields()) { if(fi.FieldType == typeof(Argument))
So here is what I\'m thinking... public class MyClass { public const string MyConstant = \"MyConstantValue\";
Consider: class Foo { static Foo() { // Static initialisation } } Why are the () required in static Foo() {...}? The static constructor must always be parameterless, so why bother? Are they necessa
I have a class that inherits the TextBox Class, call it MyTextBox I\'d like to redefine the default Background value for this class.
In what order are the static constructors of parent and child classes called? class A{ static A() { MessageBox.Show(\"Yaht\"); } }
The documentation on static constructors in C# says: A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to
I have a simple class which has a static constructor and a instance constructor. Now when i initialized the class , both static and instance constructor are called. Only static is referred once in a a
I have the following code: public static class ScraperMasterUriDetails { public static Dictionary<Guid, string> MasterUriDetails;
I have a question concerning type constructors within a Value type. This question was inspired by something that Jeffrey Richter wrote in CLR via C# 3rd ed, he says (on page 195 - chapter 8) that you