I\'m attemping to learn language parsing for fun... I\'ve created a ANTLR grammar which I believe will match a simple language I am hoping to implement.It will have the following syntax:
I want to generate C code. I will not be reading from an input file, one line at a time (as, for instance, a compiler might). Rather, I will be parsing user input as it arrives, one line at a time.
I\'m looking for a syntax reference to ANTLR3 and a quick search didn\'t find开发者_Python百科 one, can someone tell me where one exists?Do you mean a list of ANTLR\'s reserved words? If so, have a lo
I want to accept a decimal number between 0 and 255. This is the best I can come up with: fragment my_token :
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When sending an AT command it is normally terminated by \\r\\n, but, in fact,these are really two \'register variables\' S3 and S4.
The Definitive ANTLR Guide starts with a simple recognizer. Using grammar verbatim to target C-runtime fails b开发者_如何学Cecause \'%s\' means something to ANTLR:
For my GAE ap开发者_开发知识库p I need to do some natural language processing to extract the subject and object from an input sentence.