I am currently trying to implement an Antlr parser. I obtain strange MismatchedTokenException in a token that identifies string literals once I add escape sequence support.
I\'m learning ANTLR by modifying the C grammar and trying something interests myself. The C grammar I started with is from: http://www.antlr.org/grammar/1153358328744/C.g
I am trying to create a heterogeneous tree based on a sample provided here: http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Tree+construction#Treeconstruction-Heterogeneoustreenodes
Can you see any error with the following regular expression? I am defining it in Antlr 3.4, but it accepts arguments like $one, £one although it shouldn\'t. However, it doesn\'t accept o£ne, 开发者_
I am a java programmer and currently learning antlr3. I have to use antlr in a C project. It is a little difficult for a java programmer to write C code use antlr.
I have a requirement to convert an identifier into a beanutil string for retrieving an item from an object. The the identifiers to string conversions look like:
With ANTLR2, you could define something like this in grammar definition file: options { language = \"CSharp\";
I have a built C static library (the Antlr 3 C library). It is installed properly and works (i.e., I can run gcc -o parser lexer.c parser.c -lantlr3c just fine).
I am an ANTLR beginner and want to calculate a SHA1-Hash of symbols. My simplified example grammar: grammar Example;
I need to define a language-parser for the following search criteria: CRITERIA_1=<values-set-#1> AND/OR CRITERIA_2=<values-set-#2>;