I couldn\'t find anything ready-made, so I came u开发者_开发问答p with: class membuf : public basic_streambuf<char>
I am currently working a piece of code which needs to send an attachment in the email it generates. The attachment is a PDFdocument. Due to requirements I am
I have a memorystream i开发者_运维技巧n a silverlight app. I have to copy this memorystream to a filestream object. If I call:
I\'m writing a c# routine that creates hashes from jpg files.If I pass in a byte array to my SHA512 object then I get the expected behavior, however, if I pass in a memory stream the two files always
I need to temporary store a file upload to a MemoryStream. What would be the best method to do this using asp.net (3.5)?
As discussed before, when a BinaryReader or BinaryWriter gets closed, its underlying Stream get closed as well (aargh).Consider this situation: a routine R is passed a MemoryStream, say M; I would lik
The following code will always throw UnuthorizedAccessException(MemoryStream\'s internal buffer cannot be accessed.)
This code returns a thumbnail of an image loaded from a byte array. I\'m trying to understand why the author is using 开发者_开发问答4 memory streams and if there is a simple way of rewriting this or