In my application, there is a inheritance hierarchy in which only the classes that are at the end of the inheritance chain are non-abstract classes. Also there is some usage of boost::variant. I want
I am implementing a Boilerplatefeature - allow users to Change descriptions of some components - likeTLabels - at run time.
Can anybody tell me how to activate RTTI in c++ when working on unix. I heard that it can be disabled and enabled.
I am developing visual game level editor in C++. For this I want reflection(RTTI) mechanism to know class attributes at runtime.
If I have a superclass, say Animal, and two subclasses: Zebra and Giraffe, If I decide to define a Vector of Animals:
Based on one answer to an earlier post, I\'m investigating the possibility of the following design TChildClass = class(TObject)
I am trying inject into a dll that sends a void ** for one of the parameters. The void ** can contain structs 开发者_开发问答that are created in the application.
I want to convert an string to an enum type using TValue, I googled but I didn\'t find how to do that.
how to extract RTTI info about methods in Delphi records? is it possible by usi开发者_运维问答ng new Rtti unit?There is no RTTI for methods on records, sorry.
Please forgive the verbosity of the following code example. Using Delphi 2009, I created the two classes TOtherClass and TMyClass: