I\'ve recently experimented extensively with interfaces and D2010 RTTI. I don\'t know at runtime the actual type of the interface; although I will have access to it\'s qualified name using a string.
I\'ve been bang开发者_StackOverflowing my head on an issue and before I continue injuring myself some more, I\'d like to confirm:
I need a good C++ Reflection API (like a Microsoft API) which enables me to 开发者_JAVA技巧determine the types (class, struct, enum, int, float, double, etc) identified at runtime, declare them, and c
My question is related to RTTI in C++ where I\'m trying to check if an object belongs to the type hierarchy of another object. The BelongsTo() method checks this.
I have a object with some TObjectList<>-fields that I try to encode as JSON with help form SuperObject.
As already discussed in Rtti data manipulation and consistency in Delphi 2010 a consistency between the original data and rtti values can be reached by accessing members by using a pair of TRttiField
I try to write a kind of object/record serializer with Delphi 2010 and wonder if there is a way to detect, if a record is a variant record. E.g. the TRect record as defined in Types.pas:
Has anyone an idea, how I can make TValue using a reference to the original data? In my serialization project, I use (as suggested in XML-Serialization) a generic serializer which stores TValues in an
I am developing game edi开发者_开发百科tor in C# that uses c++ lib files. I want RTTI for C++ classes in C#.
This is a bit of an involved problem, so I\'ll do the best I can to explain what\'s going on. If I miss something, please tell me so I can clarify.