I have a problem with the properties of IInterface type. I don\'t know how to assign values to these properties using RTTI
I\'m still working on a good solution to my One-Of-A-Type Container Problem -- and upon reflection I think it would be nice to be able to just use something like a std::map<std::type_info, boost::a
Here is my problem: I have two C++ modules, A and B, which are built as dynamically-linked libraries. A offers basic math functions, and custom exception types. B is a higher level module that uses A
I\'m currently working on integrating a third-party package that uses lots of RTTI stuff on a non-RTTI platform (Android). Basically, I did my own RTTI implementation but I\'m stuck on a p开发者_Pytho
Here is some sample code explaining what I am trying to achieve. Basically, I have an algorithm that depends on some basic operations available in a class. I have defined those operations in a pure a
I wo开发者_开发百科uld like to know how to use the Invoke method of the TRttiMethod class in C++Builder 2010.
As we all known, when we call 开发者_如何学JAVAa constructor of a class like this: instance := TSomeClass.Create;
I have problems in a following code: program Project4; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, RTTI; type TRecord2 = record
This question already has answers here: Why do I get "type has no typeinfo" error with an enum type
I\'ve got a function that takes a list of CRuntimeClass pointers in order to setup a view. I\'d like to return without doing anything if the function is called with a list of the same classes that are