
How to throw an error window in Python in Windows

What's the easiest way to genera开发者_StackOverflow社区te an error window for a Python script in Windows? Windows-specific answers are fine; please don't reply how to generate a custom Tk window.

@Constantin is almost correct, but his example will produce garbage text. Make sure that the text is unicode. I.e.,

ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, u"Error", u"Error", 0)

...and it'll work fine.

If you need a GUI error message, you could use EasyGui:

>>> import easygui as e
>>> e.msgbox("An error has occured! :(", "Error")

Otherwise a simple print("Error!") should suffice.

You can get a one-liner using tkinter.

import tkMessageBox

tkMessageBox.showerror('error title', 'error message')

Here is some documentation for pop-up dialogs.

If i recall correctly (don't have Windows box at the moment), the ctypes way is:

import ctypes
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(None, u"Error", u"Error", 0)

ctypes is a standard module.

Note: For Python 3.x you don't need the u prefix.

Check out the GUI section of the Python Wiki for info on message boxs





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