
Using SUDS to test WSDL

Does anyone know about a good SUDS tutorial. I am trying to run tests on WSDL files and I am having trouble finding any imformation on how to do this. Is SUDS much different to SOAPy and would anyone recommend it to run smoke tests on functi开发者_如何学编程ons stored in WSDL files.

I have read that SOAPAy is no longer supported in Python 2.6+. Is this true?

I have a WSDL file I have entered:

from suds.client import Client

client = Client('')


I got this error:

    in open
    response = self._open(req, data)
  File "/home/build/workspace/downloads/Python-2.6.4/Lib/urllib2.py", line 407, in _open
    '_open', req)
  File "/home/build/workspace/downloads/Python-2.6.4/Lib/urllib2.py", line 367, in  _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/home/build/workspace/downloads/Python-2.6.4/Lib/urllib2.py", line 1146, in http_open
    return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
  File "/home/build/workspace/downloads/Python-2.6.4/Lib/urllib2.py", line 1121, in do_open
    raise URLError(err)
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>

Does anyone know why this is happening?

I can connect to this file through my browser. I have installed all the suds packages. Is there any other setup required?

Suds is very simple to use.

from suds.client import Client

client = Client("http://example.com/foo.wsdl")

someMethod is the name of a method as described in the WSDL.

Connection refused indicates that the server isn't there. Can you access in a browser or via curl? If not, start by getting the SOAP service running first then try again.

In my case it was a stupid mistake ( just like any other bug).

The URL that I had used to initialize my service was something like

Uri httpUri = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/CalculatorService");

I could access this service from a python client running on the same machine as the service. I could browser the wsdl from a browser both locally and from a remote machine. However when I tried to access this service from a remote machine, I got connection refused error. The strange thing was that in wireshark, I could see that the service sends back the wsdl to the remote client. After wasting a couple of hours, I enabled logging


The logs showed that suds downloaded the wsdl from the server but after that it tried to connect to localhost:8000. And that explained the connection refused error. I just changed the URI on the WCF server to

Uri httpUri = new Uri("");

And that solved my problem





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