Texturing a 3D sphere(Can not find a post that helps me)
I am trying to create a 3D sphere and I currently have a sphere made out of points though I need to apply a texture to this and that is causing me problems.
The code for generating the sphere looks like this:
public Sphere(float radius, double step) {
this.mRaduis = radius;
this.mStep = step;
sphereVertex = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(400000)
mPoints = build();
Log.d("ALIS CHECK!!!!!", " COUNT:" + mPoints);
public void draw(GL10 gl) {
gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, sphereVertex);
gl.glEnable(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // workaround bug 3623
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, sphereVertex);
gl.glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.开发者_如何学PythonGL_POINTS, 0, mPoints);
private int build() {
double dTheta = mStep * DEG;
double dPhi = dTheta;
int points = 0;
for (double phi = -(Math.PI); phi <= Math.PI; phi += dPhi) {
// for each stage calculating the slices
for (double theta = 0.0; theta <= (Math.PI * 2); theta += dTheta) {
sphereVertex.put((float) (mRaduis * Math.sin(phi) * Math
.cos(theta))); //y-coord
sphereVertex.put((float) (mRaduis * Math.sin(phi) * Math
.sin(theta))); //z
sphereVertex.put((float) (mRaduis * Math.cos(phi))); //x
and in my rendering class it looks like this:
public SphereRenderer(Context context) {
mSphere = new Sphere(1, 25);
this.context = context;
vibrator = SphereActivity.getVibrator();
sphereActivity = SphereActivity.getInstance();
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Sphere.loadTexture(gl, context, R.drawable.android);
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -4.0f);
rotateSphere(gl, startTime);
// gl.glRotatef(xRot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// gl.glRotatef(yRot, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
long fpsElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - fpsStartTime;
if (fpsElapsed > 5 * 1000) { // every 5 seconds
float fps = (numFrames * 1000.0F) / fpsElapsed;
Log.d("FPS", "Frames per second: " + fps + " (" + numFrames
+ " frames in " + fpsElapsed + " ms)");
fpsStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
numFrames = 0;
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
fpsStartTime = startTime;
numFrames = 0;
if (height == 0) {
height = 1;
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
// Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
GLU.gluPerspective(gl, 45.0f, (float) width / (float) height, 0.1f,
gl.glMatrixMode(GL10.GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
gl.glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Modelview Matrix
I would really appreciate all the help I can get!
Although you can theoretically texture points, one pixel of texture means you would need a lot of points to do create a recognisable map. From what I can tell you need to draw your sphere as a set of triangles instead, which you can then apply textures to. Effectively this means just combining the points you have to create faces. Rather than GL_POINTS
you probably want to look at using GL_TRIANGLES
- see the OpenGL programming guide on points lines and polygons for a proper explanation.