
JSF outputstylesheet doesnt work in firefox?

I havea a problem with the outputStylesheet tag:

It works perfectly in chrome but doesnt work at all in firefox

        <title><ui:insert name="title" /></title>
            <开发者_开发知识库;h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="style.css" />   

What should i do to fix this problem? My application looks fine, but just in google chrome.

In FF the inspect element option shows the CSS file with all its options, but the browser does'nt display it at all.

That can happen when one or more CSS properties are been overridden by another stylesheet. Using Firebug should help you in nailing down the culprit. Open the page in Firefox, rightclick the HTML DOM element of interest and choose Inspect Element. Firebug should show up in the bottom box with the HTML DOM tree on the left hand side and a list of all CSS properties on the right hand side. If a property is been strikeout, then it means that there's another CSS property which has overridden it. In the same list, you should be able to find the responsible property and its location.





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