
Updated to Selenium 2.0rc3, pages don't load/read properly

I'm at wits' end here, and hoping someone's ran into something similar before.

I've been using Selenium 2.0a2 for a while now to test my web application. Now I've updated to rc3, and several tests break when I run them on my teamcity installation.

These tests complain about not finding elements in certain (jsp) pages, so I had the tests log the page source.

In certain tests the pages look like this to the webDriver (as retreived with webDriver.getPageSource()):

    <title> *page title* </title>
    *CSS and style code*

In other words, all javascript and body informati开发者_开发知识库on is not loaded/read by the webdriver. This only occurs in certain tests, with others the exact same methods work fine. I've tried several ideas such as reloading the page prior to accessing the element, turning off JSP preloading etc, but nothing has worked so far.

Has anyone run into something like this before? If so, did you solve it and how?

The latest released version of Selenium is 2.17.0. Why are you asking questions about a pre-release version nearly one year after its release?? Those numbers mean something, upgrade!!





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