Has anyone used HTML unit with TestNG invocation count and thread pool size? I drive all my Selenium2 tests with TestNG and have been playing开发者_JS百科 around with running HtmlUnit tests in multipl
I have some Selenium 2 Webdriver test cases for Firefox and Internet Explorer 9. When I access https URLs on IE9 (Windows 7 64bit) I get \"There is a problem with this website\'s security certificate\
I\'ve got some tests where I\'m checking that the proper error message appears when text in certain fields are invalid.One check for validity is that a certain 开发者_运维知识库textarea element is not
I followed what was written here: WebDriver Selenium API: ElementNotFoundErrorException when Element is clearly there !
Clicking on a button in my web page sometimes causes the entire page to load, and sometimes only part of it to load.
I have a slightly weird file upload user flow in an application I am testing which causes the file upload dialogue to remain open when testing with selenium-webdriver, via capybara.
I am trying to check to see if text is present using Selenium 2 and Firefox but cant seem to find the method to use. I tried to use the method is_text_present which seems 开发者_Go百科to be what every
I am new to both Python as well as Selenium and and still in the learning phase. I have been trying to launch both IE8 as well as Firefox using the new Python Webdriver for Selenium with the following
how to deal with dropdown list in Selenium 2 , Juint in eclipse? I am not able to convert my my selenium ide syntax to Junit f开发者_运维百科or Dropdownlist. how can i achieve that?just use findElemen
I work with webDriver in #IE9 and I find one problem. If I started tests in Run mode, then all test fail because webDriver not exists (two window ie), but if I put breakpoint in tests and start tests