conditional python with
I have a five or six resources that have nice 'with' handlers, and normally I'd do this:
with res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6:
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However, sometimes one or more of these resources should not be activated. Which leads to very ugly repetitive code:
with res1, res3, res4, res6: # these always acquired
if res2_enabled:
with res2:
if res5_enabled:
with res5:
else if res5_enabled:
with res5:
There must be clean easy ways to do this surely?
You could create a wrapper object that supports the with
statement, and do the checking in there. Something like:
with wrapper(res1), wrapper(res2), wrapper(res3):
or a wrapper than handles all of them:
with wrapper(res1, res2, res3):
The definition for you wrapper would be:
class wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, *objs):
def __enter__(self):
initialize objs here
def __exit__(self):
release objects here
If I understand you correctly you can do this:
from contextlib import contextmanager, nested
def enabled_resources(*resources):
return nested(*(res for res,enabled in resources if enabled))
# just for testing
def test(n):
print n, "entered"
resources = [(test(n), n%2) for n in range(10)]
# you want
# resources = [(res1, res1_enabled), ... ]
with enabled_resources(*resources):
# do1, do2
Original Poster here; here is my approach refined so far:
I can add (or monkey-patch) the bool operator __nonzero__
onto the with objects, returning whether they are enabled. Then, when objects are mutually exclusive, I can have:
with res1 or res2 or res3 or res4:
When an resource is togglable, I can create an empty withable that is a nop; wither seems a nice name for it:
class sither:
def __enter__(cls): pass
def __exit__(cls,*args): pass
with res1 or wither, res2 or wither:
I can also use this keeping the toggling out of the withable objects:
with res1 if res1enabled else wither, res2 if res2enabled else wither:
Finally, those I have most control over, I can integrate the enabled checking into the class itself such that when used and not enabled, they are nop:
with res1, res2, res3:
The with
statement is absolutely adorable, it just seems a bit unentrenched yet. It will be interesting to see what finesse others come up with in this regard...