Efficiently generate a lattice of points in python
Help make my code faster: My python code needs to generate a 2D lattice of points that fall inside a bounding rectangle. I kludged开发者_StackOverflow together some code (shown below) that generates this lattice. However, this function is called many many times and has become a serious bottleneck in my application.
I'm sure there's a faster way to do this, probably involving numpy arrays instead of lists. Any suggestions for a faster, more elegant way to do this?
Description of the function: I have two 2D vectors, v1 and v2. These vectors define a lattice. In my case, my vectors define a lattice that is almost, but not quite, hexagonal. I want to generate the set of all 2D points on this lattice that are in some bounding rectangle. In my case, one of the corners of the rectangle is at (0, 0), and the other corners are at positive coordinates.
Example: If the far corner of my bounding rectangle was at (3, 3), and my lattice vectors were:
v1 = (1.2, 0.1)
v2 = (0.2, 1.1)
I'd want my function to return the points:
(1.2, 0.1) #v1
(2.4, 0.2) #2*v1
(0.2, 1.1) #v2
(0.4, 2.2) #2*v2
(1.4, 1.2) #v1 + v2
(2.6, 1.3) #2*v1 + v2
(1.6, 2.3) #v1 + 2*v2
(2.8, 2.4) #2*v1 + 2*v2
I'm not concerned with edge cases; it's doesn't matter if the function returns (0, 0), for example.
The slow way I'm currently doing it:
import numpy, pylab
def generate_lattice( #Help me speed up this function, please!
image_shape, lattice_vectors, center_pix='image', edge_buffer=2):
##Preprocessing. Not much of a bottleneck:
if center_pix == 'image':
center_pix = numpy.array(image_shape) // 2
else: ##Express the center pixel in terms of the lattice vectors
center_pix = numpy.array(center_pix) - (numpy.array(image_shape) // 2)
lattice_components = numpy.linalg.solve(
lattice_components -= lattice_components // 1
center_pix = (lattice_vectors[0] * lattice_components[0] +
lattice_vectors[1] * lattice_components[1] +
num_vectors = int( ##Estimate how many lattice points we need
max(image_shape) / numpy.sqrt(lattice_vectors[0]**2).sum())
lattice_points = []
lower_bounds = numpy.array((edge_buffer, edge_buffer))
upper_bounds = numpy.array(image_shape) - edge_buffer
##SLOW LOOP HERE. 'num_vectors' is often quite large.
for i in range(-num_vectors, num_vectors):
for j in range(-num_vectors, num_vectors):
lp = i * lattice_vectors[0] + j * lattice_vectors[1] + center_pix
if all(lower_bounds < lp) and all(lp < upper_bounds):
return lattice_points
##Test the function and display the output.
##No optimization needed past this point.
lattice_vectors = [
numpy.array([-40., -1.]),
numpy.array([ 18., -37.])]
image_shape = (1000, 1000)
spots = generate_lattice(image_shape, lattice_vectors)
pylab.plot([p[1] for p in spots], [p[0] for p in spots], '.')
Since lower_bounds
and upper_bounds
are only 2-element arrays, numpy might not be the right choice here. Try to replace
if all(lower_bounds < lp) and all(lp < upper_bounds):
with basic Python stuff:
if lower1 < lp and lower2 < lp and lp < upper1 and lp < upper2:
According to timeit, the second approach is much faster:
>>> timeit.timeit('all(lower < lp)', 'import numpy\nlp=4\nlower = numpy.array((1,5))')
>>> timeit.timeit('lower1 < 4 and lower2 < 4', 'lp = 4\nlower1, lower2 = 1,5')
From my experience, as long as you don't need to handle n-diminsional data and if you don't need double precision floats, it is generally faster to use basic Python data types and constructs instead of numpy, which is a bit overload in such cases -- have a look at this other question.
Another minor improvement could be to compute range(-num_vectors, num_vectors)
only once and then reuse it. Additionally you might want to use a product iterator instead of a nested for loop -- though I don't think that these changes will have a significant influence on performance.
If you want to vectorize the whole thing, generate a square lattice and then shear it. Then chop off the edges that land outside your box.
Here is what I came up with. There are still a lot of improvements that could be made, but this is the basic idea.
def generate_lattice(image_shape, lattice_vectors) :
center_pix = numpy.array(image_shape) // 2
# Get the lower limit on the cell size.
dx_cell = max(abs(lattice_vectors[0][0]), abs(lattice_vectors[1][0]))
dy_cell = max(abs(lattice_vectors[0][1]), abs(lattice_vectors[1][1]))
# Get an over estimate of how many cells across and up.
nx = image_shape[0]//dx_cell
ny = image_shape[1]//dy_cell
# Generate a square lattice, with too many points.
# Here I generate a factor of 4 more points than I need, which ensures
# coverage for highly sheared lattices. If your lattice is not highly
# sheared, than you can generate fewer points.
x_sq = np.arange(-nx, nx, dtype=float)
y_sq = np.arange(-ny, nx, dtype=float)
x_sq.shape = x_sq.shape + (1,)
y_sq.shape = (1,) + y_sq.shape
# Now shear the whole thing using the lattice vectors
x_lattice = lattice_vectors[0][0]*x_sq + lattice_vectors[1][0]*y_sq
y_lattice = lattice_vectors[0][1]*x_sq + lattice_vectors[1][1]*y_sq
# Trim to fit in box.
mask = ((x_lattice < image_shape[0]/2.0)
& (x_lattice > -image_shape[0]/2.0))
mask = mask & ((y_lattice < image_shape[1]/2.0)
& (y_lattice > -image_shape[1]/2.0))
x_lattice = x_lattice[mask]
y_lattice = y_lattice[mask]
# Translate to the centre pix.
x_lattice += center_pix[0]
y_lattice += center_pix[1]
# Make output compatible with original version.
out = np.empty((len(x_lattice), 2), dtype=float)
out[:, 0] = y_lattice
out[:, 1] = x_lattice
return out
May be you can replace the two for loops with this.
i,j = numpy.mgrid[-num_vectors:num_vectors, -num_vectors:num_vectors]
numel = num_vectors ** 2;
i = i.reshape(numel, 1)
j = j.reshape(numel, 1)
lp = i * lattice_vectors[0] + j * lattice_vectors[1] + center_pix
valid = numpy.all(lower_bounds < lp, 1) and numpy.all(lp < upper_bounds, 1)
lattice_points = lp[valid]
There may be some minor mistakes, but you get the idea..
I made an edit to the "numpy.all(lower_bounds..)" to account for the correct dimension.
I got a more than 2x speedup by replacing your computation of lp
with repeated additions rather than multiplications. The xrange
optimization seems to be inconsequential (though it probably doesn't hurt); repeated additions seem to be more efficient than the multiplications. Combining this with the other optimizations mentioned above should give you more speedup. But of course the best you can get is a speedup by a constant factor, since the size of your output is quadratic, as is your original code.
lv0, lv1 = lattice_vectors[0], lattice_vectors[1]
lv0_i = -num_vectors * lv0 + center_pix
lv1_orig = -num_vectors * lv1
lv1_j = lv1_orig
for i in xrange(-num_vectors, num_vectors):
for j in xrange(-num_vectors, num_vectors):
lp = lv0_i + lv1_j
if all(lower_bounds < lp) and all(lp < upper_bounds):
lv1_j += lv1
lv0_i += lv0
lv1_j = lv1_orig
Timer results:
>>> t = Timer("generate_lattice(image_shape, lattice_vectors, orig=True)", "from __main__ import generate_lattice, lattice_vectors, image_shape")
>>> print t.timeit(number=50)
>>> t = Timer("generate_lattice(image_shape, lattice_vectors, orig=False)", "from __main__ import generate_lattice, lattice_vectors, image_shape")
>>> print t.timeit(number=50)