How to apply bend on a cube using AS3DMod and Away3D?
I am having some problems with the away3D library. I want to apply a bend to a cube using AS3DMod, but i can't seem to get it working. My cubes kind of get mutilated when i want to bend them :p they bend to all directions and i can't seem to find a pattern in the bending. anyone have any experience (or advice) with this? thanks in advance.
private function bend(e:MouseEvent3D):void
//We get the current target.
var _target:Cube = as Cube;
//We create a new modifier.
var _bend:Bend = new Bend(2);
_bend.constraint = ModConstant.LEFT;
_bend.bendAxis = ModConstant.LEFT;
var _mod:ModifierStack = new ModifierStack(new LibraryAway3d(), _target);
//We play the modification.
//We render the scene.
--same problem, saw this book w/ as3dMod examples that also didn't work, finally found "errata" page from author explaining the as3d mod library is outdated. he posted some fixes to download here: