How do I display this number pattern in C++?
I have to display this number pattern:
-3 1 5 9
7 12 17
15 21
int number = __________________; // assign correct initial value
int row, col;
for (row = 1; row <= 3; row++)
// adjust number so it displays the correct first value in the row
for (col = 1; col <= ___5 - row___; col++)
cout << setw (5) << number;
// adjust number so it displays the next correct value in this row
______________________number + row + 3;_________________________________
} / /end inner for loop
cout << endl;
} // end outer for loop
I know number + row + 3 gets the correct numbers across but I cannot seem开发者_如何学编程 to get the correct start value.
Try this
number = -3
for(row = 1; row <= 3; row++){
for (col = 0; col < 5 - row; col ++){
display (number + col * (3 + row));
number += 12 - row * 2;
With your restrictions, that would be:
int number = 0; // assign correct initial value
int row, col;
for (row = 1; row <= 3; row++)
// adjust number so it displays the correct first value in the row
number += 12 - (row-1) * 2 - (row+2) * (6 - row);
for (col = 1; col <= 5 - row; col++)
cout << setw (5) << number;
// adjust number so it displays the next correct value in this row
number = number + row + 3;
} / /end inner for loop
cout << endl;
} // end outer for loop
(not a bullet) + [12 - (row-1)*2] is for moving between -3, 7 and 15
(not a bullet) - [ ((row-1) + 2) * (5 - (row - 1))] is for compensating growth of the number in the internal loop
Since the result of the right part with row = 1 is -3, initial number is chosen as 0.
int number = -1; // assign correct initial value
int row, col;
for (row = 1; row <= 3; row++) {
// adjust number so it displays the correct first value in the row
number -=2;
for (col = 1; col <= ___5 - row___; col++){
cout << setw (5) << number;
// adjust number so it displays the next correct value in this row
______________________number + row + 3;
} / /end inner for loop
cout << endl;
} // end outer for loop
using namespace std;
int main()
int i,j;
int temp=-3;
cout<<temp<<" ";
char dd;
return 2;