Is there a shorthand for querying a dictionary in python?
Here's the type of query I want to execute, written in pseudocode:
select blob from blobs where blob['color'] == 'red' having maximum(blob['size'])
Obviously, I could write that like this in python:
redBlobs = [];
for blob in blobs:
if blob['color'] == 'red':
largestBlob = None
for redBlob in redBlobs:
if largestBlob == None or 开发者_如何转开发redBlob['size'] > largestBlob['size']:
largestBlob = redBlob
return largestBlob
But I suspect there's a cleaner way of doing it. I'm new to python, so I'm still aproaching it very imperatively.
Here's a solution I came up with after looking at some other questions on SO:
max([blob for blob in blobs if blob['color'] == 'red'], key = lambda b: b['size'])
Presumably, there are better ways.
The folowing give the largest blob
EDIT: catch exception when there is no red blob
import operator
largestBlob = max((blob for blob in blobs if blob['color'] == 'red'),key=operator.itemgetter('size'))
except ValueError:
largestBlob = None
This will do the job:
redBlobs = filter(lambda b: b['color'] == 'red', blobs)
largestBlob = max(redBlobs, key=lambda b: b['size'])
PiotrLegnica's answer will return the size of the largest blob, not the largest blob itself. To get the largest blob, use the optional "key" argument to max:
largestBlob = max((blob for blob in blobs if blob['color'] == 'red'), key=operator.itemgetter('size'))
If I were you I would use sorted using the size as key with a generator expression for filetering, getting the first element of that list:
largestBlob = sorted((blob for blob in blobs if blob['color'] == 'red'), key=lambda x: -x['size'])[0]