
Raw UDP packets using Twisted

I'm currently using Twisted 10.1 to receive and parse UDP packets, but the standard implementation of reactor.listenUDP() only gives me access to the packet data, and I need to get the packet length from the UDP headers.

I've tried out Twisted's pairudp.py example, but it fails with an "ImportError: No module named eunuchs.tuntap". Doing an apt-cache search for python-eunuchs comes up with nothing, and looking at Ubuntu's package search, I can see that python-eunuchs hasn't been a part of Ubuntu since Dapper, circa 2006.

In any case, the Twisted Pair project itself is listed on it's twistedmatrix.com page as unmaintained, so I would be quite hesitant to start a project using any of it's libraries.

Can anyone provide me with pointers or even a (working?) example on how I can do this using Twisted 10.1 / 10.2?


As Glyph pointed out, I'm trying to solve a problem in a complex manner that can be solved simply. Since I can get th开发者_StackOverflowe length of the packet data using len(data), and since the length of a UDP packet header is 8 bytes, totalSizeOfUdpPacket = 8 + len(data).


As Glyph pointed out, you're trying to solve a problem in a complex manner that can be solved simply. Since you can get the length of the packet data using len(data), and since the length of a UDP packet header is 8 bytes, totalSizeOfUdpPacket = 8 + len(data).





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