Hittesting works fine but setting values to the same object results in error?
Im working on shooting some bullets and the collision testing works perfectly fine it even hurts the zombies. Except the one problem, i want the bullets to disappear when they hit a zombie this sounds easy sense Im already hit testing inside the "bulletContainer" Class, well long story short i call the bulletContain[a].killBullet(); and output dialouge says its not a function(I know for a fact its a function and the "bulletClass" Class it self is loading properly). It seems once i create the bullet to shoot it has a mind of its own and doesn't listen to any variables i change inside it for me to tell it needs to disappear/killBullet()
Heres Snippets of my code please comment if you feel like you need more(althought there isnt much)
BulletContainer Class(Showing Just testCollosion Function):
//Collision Tester/////////////////////////////////////////////
private function testCollision(){
//Get number of bullets on screen
var numBullets = bulletContain.length;
//Define a local variable for ease of reference
var localZombieContain = Object(root).zombieContain.zombieContain
var numZombies:Number = localZombieContain.length;
//Loop through every bullet for collision test
for(var a:Number = 0; a < numBullets; a++){
//Loop through every zombie & hit test to see if bullet is hitting
for(var b:Number = 0; b < numZombies; b++){
var killBullet:Boolean = false;
//Tell zombie it has been hit
//Tell Bullet its dead for garbage
killBullet = true;
trace("BULLET DIED");
BulletClass(Showing everything from bulletClass): (IGNORE REDENDENT SWITCH() CODES, THATS FOR LATER DEVELOPMENT USE)
package com{
import flash.display.*
import flash.net.*
import flash.utils.*
import flash.events.*
public class bulletClass extends MovieClip{
public var dead = 0;
var moveBulletInt;
public function bulletClass(type:Number) {
//Declare bullet types from library
var tmpBullet1 = new bullet1;
case 1:
//Move this bullet
moveBulletInt = setInterval(moveBullet, 10);
public function killBullet(){
trace("BULLET DIED");
private function moveBullet(){
if(dead == 0){
this.x += 15 * Math.sin((this.rotation - 90) * (Math.PI / 180));
this.y += 15 * Math.cos((this.rotation - 90) * (Math.PI / 180));
if(dead == 1){
this.x = -100
this.y = -100
I was calling the movie clip instead of calling the class when i previously added bullets else where in my code. So i ended up just doing var newObject = newBullet; instead of the lather newObject.addChild(newBullet);