I was trying to use Xuggler ( http://www.xuggle.com/ ) with play! framework. I\'m using Mac OSX and also created the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file with xuggler path. I also set these in my ~/.bashr
How can I make it possible for a Java applet find xuggle path? I was thing in making an installer wrapper and save a hidden file on user\'s path ( e.g. .myAppConfig.txt) but if I could find a better a
I\'m using Ubuntu 11.04 and Eclipse. I installed Xuggler succesfully, I\'ve checked the environment variables and everything related with linux in their FAQ: http://wiki.xuggle.comFrequently_Asked_Que
Am trying to use the libraries form Xuggle in my android app. I have added the all the jar files to my app. When i use the xuggle functions I do not get any warnings after importing required xuggle p
how can I encode a array of images into a movie using xuggle and java?I would like开发者_如何学运维 this to be at 30 fps.I would be willing to use another framework than xuggle, but i believe xuggle w
I came across this snippet while going through the tutorial on how to decode a video : private static long millisecondsUntilTimeToDisplay(IVideoPicture picture)
I have used xuggler to play audio files other than wav,au,aiff. Since xuggler performs audio decoding at low level it is very hard to write a method that both forwards and rewinds the audio being play
when I start my Java-Program, I get this error (using Xuggle-library with Webcam): Problem signature: Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
I am building an export application using Xuggler that exports a h264 encoded recording so that it can be played in an external player ( writing the video recording to .avi or .mp4 container).
Does anybody know how to set/add additional information to the header of an I开发者_如何学GoStreamContainer for .mp4 format typeand/or .avi?