First get your preference and then add/remove it. The key comes from your preference.xml file (or however you have named it)
I have this main activity: public class Home extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
I have aTabActivity which starts when the application is launched. It contains 3 tabs. I have added a Settings option in the OptionMenu which when clicked starts a custom PreferenceActivity. it is a
I have this preferences class (below) that saves two ListPreferences, but if the ListPreferences are changed and the back button is pressed, the changes don\'t take affect unless the application is re
EDIT: The problem described below was due to a very peculiar device issue not caused by any coding-related problem.
I\'m programming a live wallpaper. I\'ve problem with the \"Configure...\" button in the Select Wallpaper From popup.
I found a few threads reporting a similar problem but none of them really offers something that I haven\'t tried already.
I have a simple preference screen defined like this <PreferenceScreen xmlns:android=\"\">
Ok, I feel slightly stupid.I am getting the following error: xml cannot be resolved or is not a field right at this line:
I am currently building out a list of rows with checkboxes dynamically using content from a web service.However, this ListView will need to do pretty much what a PreferenceActivity would accomplish.