
ActivityNotFoundException (YES, this activity is declared in AndroidManifest.xml)

I found a few threads reporting a similar problem but none of them really offers something that I haven't tried already.

An innocent such call:

mActivity.startActivity(new Intent(mActivity, MyEditPreferences.class));

with the following in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <activity android:name="MyActivityLib" />
    <activity android:name="com.example.baseapp.MyEditPre开发者_JS百科ferences" android:label="@string/app_name">

Triggers the following exception:

06-14 14:06:50.297: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(9272): 
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class
have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

The things is, this code used to work flawlessly before I changed it from a monolithic application project to a 2-part project that is comprised from a Library Project and an Application Project.

The AndroidManifest.xml is the one in the library project.

What do I need to do eliminate this ActivityNotFoundException?

I just solved the problem.

All I had to do was add the FQN to the Application project's AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name="com.example.baseapp.MyEditPreferences"

In fact, I removed any reference to MyEditPreferences in the Library project's AndroidManifest.xml completely and it still works.

It also works with the original startActivity 1-line statement:

mActivity.startActivity(new Intent(mActivity, MyEditPreferences.class));

Conclusion: It's the application's AndroidManifest.xml that matters, not the library's.

Maybe this will work?

Intent mIntent = new Intent();
mIntent.setClassName(mActivity, "com.example.baseapp.MyEditPreferences");

If you use classes which names are included in an android package (Settings, Preferences, Activity, ...), you will need to put this:

Intent i = new Intent(this, <name_of_your_package>.classname.class);

If you don't put "name_of_your_package", the compiler will think that you are refering to the class in android package (android.*).

I know this is a very old thread, but I've just had the same problem. In my case all I had to do was to delete a spurious

import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

Just check your manifest for errors that your IDE not pointed.





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