I am using Android APi 3. I built a container control that contains two controls: another container (layout) and a ListView.
I have a problem with my custom ViewGroup. I layout 3 of the children in a row and use a Scroller to scroll to the middle child. Based on the touch input of the user I change the 开发者_高级运维childr
I have different ImageView in a ViewGroup. Every ImageView has onTouch event like this: public boolean onTouch(View v,MotionEvent event){
I have a class extends ViewGroup and want to get every MotionEvent from it. So far I have this: class TestViewGroup extends ViewGroup {
I made a nine-patch, and a custom viewgroup, then I made the background of that viewgroup to be the nine-patch.
Now i would like to add button dynamically in FingerPaint api demos. But the problem is that i ain\'t familiar with creating layo开发者_运维百科ut dynamically in java file. does somebody know how can
What i want to: I want to add a swipe or what i learned it\'s named on android fling, to my app. I have a dynamic number of views, the number is the amount of dates from an ICS file which i parse, i
A great example of the kind of Activity I\'m trying 开发者_JAVA技巧to create is the gmail app settings Activity.It lists all the customizable settings vertically with horizontal rules between each set
I’m working on a game for Android. To help implement it, my idea is to create a subclass of a view. I would then insert several instances of this class as children of the main view. Each instance wou
ycgq1982 2022-06-22 13:25 “谁家教鹦鹉”下一句是:“故故语相惊”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《人定》。附《人定》全文赏开发者_如何学运维析人定作者:白居易朝代:唐朝人定月胧明,