I want to know which all fonts are currently supported by iphon开发者_如何学Pythone sdk. Just use this code snippet in your application.
I need to display some text in cocos2d layer. I added UITextView to it. I added the text in the text View. But, for setting the font by ( UIFont class), I could not do it. I saw the list of supported
I can\'t find a way to set the font size of the title in a custom UIBarButtonItem. The only way I can think of getting around this is to set it as an image, which I would like to avoid. Any other sug开
I\'m using a custom pixel font on the iPad SDK,开发者_如何学Python and I\'m trying to find a way to disable font anti-aliasing for UIFont. Pixel fonts usually work best when they don\'t have Anti-alia
I\'ve searched loads already and couldn\'t find an answer. I have a normal UILabel, defined this way: UILabel *totalColors = [[[UILabel alloc开发者_C百科] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5, 7, 120, 69)] au
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