百鬼 2022-05-27 10:03 开发者_Python百科最佳曲水流觞(qū shuǐ liú shāng):是中国古代民间的一种传统习俗,后来发展成为文人墨客诗酒唱酬的一种雅事。夏历的三月上巳日人们举行祓禊(fuxi)仪式之后,大
I want to integrate OpenID as an authentication mechanism into GlassFish 3.1 (preview). The Development Guide says that JSR 196 could be used to implement custom authentication mechanisms like OpenID.
i\'ve been busy upgrading our n* stack to a more recent version. We\'d been using FluentNhibernate for configuration and Nhibernate.search coupled with Lucene.Net for full-text search. Everything work