I\'m pretty new to Rails, and i\'m trying to do a polymorphic HABTM relationship. The problem is that I have three models that I want to relate.
I have the following table \"participations\": id: integer coupon_id: integer participant_type: string participant_id: integer
Ok so here goes. I don\'t know if I\'m over complicating things or if I\'m just still so new to Rails that I don\'t understand the basics. What I want in sudo code is this:
I don\'t know if this is possible, but here goes: FruitBasket has_many :apples has_many :bananas ######## What to put here to access Worm through its pest_holder relationship?
This is the error in my logs when I try to create a new model: /rubyprograms/dreamstill/vendor/plugins/has_many_polymorphs/lib/has_many_polymorphs/configuration.rb:7: Configuration is not a class (Ty
i moved from php to rails3, and i still think it was a good decision! Anyway I have some models: users
I\'m trying to make a self-referential user class with three basic user types- parent, student, and tutor.A student belongs to a parent and can also belong to a tutor.Of course, the way I have it writ
Preamble: Don\'t be scared off by the fact My Rails 3 app uses the has_many_polymorphs gem as I don\'t think you need to be familiar with the gem in order to help me here :)
This one\'s really getting me down! :( I\'m trying to make a nested model form for my User model with a checkbox list in it where multiple Stores can be checked or unchecked to administer the Stores
I have the following models. Users have UserActions, and one possible UserAction can be a ContactAction (UserAction is a polymorphism). There are other actions like LoginAction etc. So