I\'m sure that this is just a lack of experience on my part so bear with me. I have a model MenuItem that has a Price. Different item types (menu_items, products, events) can have prices.
I have a model, \"Update\" which has_many \"Assets\". An Asset has has_attached_file of :asset, using Paperclip.
I\'ve been following through these Railscasts and trying to amend the code so it works with Rails 3:
When I run the rails server and go to the school/new page on my site, the field with the label \"school\" where I can enter the school\'s name appears, but all the other fields under fields_for which
I have a model like this: class Search include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :terms accepts_nested_attributes_for :terms
I have a table of venues and I\'m adding offers to each venue using a nested form on the venues edit page. However, each time I add a new offer the fields_for form saves the text entered and creates a
I have this : <% f.fields_for :permits do |permit| %> <tr> <td><%= permit.access.name%></td>
Item gets the collection_fields from his collections. For each collection_field of the collection item may have a field_value
When I use a construct like: <table> <%= f.fields_for :group_locations do |gl| %> <tr>
I have a model named Order and another model named Member and when I try to display fields from the Members model in my Orders view it doesn\'t even show when using the fields_for tag. Heres what my c