I have a webapp that is using JSP 2.1, Servlets 2.5 and JSTL 1.2 on Java 6. I do my testing using the maven-jetty-plugin 6.1.1rc1 without any problems. From this link: http://docs.codehaus.org/display
I have Maven2 war project built, I\'m using the cargo start plugin, and it works great for deploying the web app.To run the maven command, I use a .bat file in my workspace, and I have en external run
I have a web-application written in java. I would like to run integration tests on a embedded jetty server.
I have a Maven project which executes integration tests for another web-application. This application is deployed and started within a tomcat container.
Has someone successfully deployed EAR remotely to JBoss 5.1.0.GA? My pom.xml configuration is as follows:
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How do I compile an ASP.Net MVC project using MSBuild?We use a Continuous Integration server to compile and deploy our applications.To keep things simple I created an MVC 1.0 project in VS2008.I immed