I recently recovered from not being able to test on my device in Xcode. After much headache, it turned out that I only needed to uninstall/reinstall iTunes, but I\'d certainly rather not do so frequen
I constantly struggle to get my codesigning to work.I\'m trying to get a good generic provisioning profile that will work for all my apps during development.They\'re always failing codesign, but they
Whenever I create an app ID on my provisioning profile, the 10 digit bundle seed ID keeps getting imported in front of it... e.g. YVW2UMA3HV.com.yourcompany.ytj
In my Xcode project\'s plist file, I can see the value for the key CFBundleIdentifier is: com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
I will create multiple sale versions of the same application with push notifications feature: CoolApp (full version)