I am using RapidXML, but I need to write my strings as UTF8, in Rapidxml Manual was expl开发者_高级运维ained it supports UTF8 , please tell me how can I use it via C++ ISO ?The default mode of operati
The documentation for RapidXml says Pool maintains RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE bytes of statically allocated memory. Until
The following simple program can\'t be compiled with gcc 4.4.3 #include \"rapidxml.hpp\" #include \"rapidxml_utils.hpp\"
If the value of node in the xml is null, when we print the xml node, the node has no start tag, but only the end tag. For example:
How can I prevent RapidXML from adding tabs and newlines between element tags when calling the print(...) function to outpu开发者_JS百科t XML?Solved with the print_no_indenting flag:
I have to parse an XML file in C++. I was researching and found the RapidXml library for this. I have doubts about doc.parse<0>(xml).
I am novice to rapidXML but first impresion was not positive, I made simple Visual Studio 6 C++ Hello World Application and added RapidXML hpp files to project and in main.cpp I put:
RapidXML is a fast, lightweight C++ XML DOM Parser, but it has some quirks. The worst of these to my mind is this:
I just started using rapidXML since it was recommended to me. Right now to iterate over multiple siblings i do this: