I am trying to print out some data so my code is private static final DocumentBuilderFactory DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
the following code: $.ajax({ type:\'GET\', url:\'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.search&artist=megadeath&api_key=b5bd5e1d31bf4188a6bcd329c964f6f2&limit=5&format=json&a
I am getting information about the track I am listening to from last.fm.. I cannot however get the information about what I am scrobbling from, like you see on you last.fm page: \"scrob开发者_如何学JA
I\'m trying to build an application that can be used to automatically get music tag information from the web and rename my music library. I have been searching on google for any API available to help
I\'m using the recenttracks api from lastFm: www.last.fm/api/show?service=278 I\'m fetching the json format with jquery:
I am trying to add an \"artist - song\" entry to one of my playlists on last.fm from the command line.
Ok, I have looked at multiple examples and my code seems to be correct, but for what ever reason the parameters are not being added to the URL. I\'m trying to connect to the Last.Fm API and my code is
I need help debugging an error received when trying to use the library.add_track function in pylast. I\'ve examined the code but I am not expert in python. I am just trying to utilize this wrapper to
I am trying to access the library class of pylast, but must be doing something wrong. I can get most other features to work.The following is a code example which just takes the standard working exampl
I\'m using the Last.fm API to return data in JSON format and this works fine. I\'m using the user.getTopArtist() API call.