My google maps embedded android app working correctly on emulator and r开发者_如何学JAVAeal device but after signing my app and putting .apk file on the real device it dose not load google maps.I thin
I\'m using RESTKit for a service that was created for me. The model in JSON for my user is: { \"api_key\" : \"123456\"
This is my firs开发者_Go百科t question posted here, so I appologize ahead of time if I use bad form.
When we are ready to publish your application,we must get a Maps API Key that is based on the certificate that be will used to sign the application for 开发者_JS百科release nthen change the Maps API K
I\'m upgrading our FB app to use the new SDK. Noticedthat API Keys are now the same as the App ID. We\'re still sending over our old API Key for tokens. Are the old API Keys Obsolete/Deprecated... Sho
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well I\'m just wondering where the facebook api key went, now all I see is the secret and the app id. But n开发者_如何转开发owhere can I find the api keyThe app ID and API key are the same thing. If y
Back in June, Facebook used to display a set of keys on the application settings page: the API key and the API ID. These were different than each other. At that time, my partner and I wrote a Facebook
开发者_开发技巧Our organization has a number of Rails applications (websites) deployed to Heroku.A former devleoper has left the organization, and as good practice we want to change the Heroku API key
I have used maps before in a small app and it was working fine and i wanted to use it again in another #android app using google API 2.1 update api level 7 emulator. The problem is that getFromLocatio