In entity framework you have to write a lot of code for saving or updating a single entity: using (DataContext context = new DataContext())
I have around 8 div items arranged in UL LI list. Each has unique ID, and specific content.These items are sortable, I am using jquery UI for this. Once user drag and drop component position of list i
I have two database tables, one for Events and one for RecurrenceRules. Events have a FK that points to a RecurrenceRuleID.
I have this code saving a simpleEntity: ExecutionEngineEntities db = new ExecutionEngineEntities(); Task task = new Task();
At first I should mention that this problem only occurs in windows forms applications and the same program in web mode for example with MVC3 works perfect.
Assume there is the BindingList<Person{Name, age}> class and a PersonManager class that hosts the list.
EF 4.1, POCO: I turned off AutoDetectChanges (Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false) to speed up data update. Then I run Add or Attach with entity state changed to EntityState.Modified. All t
Please see to example1. If some of the data will be entered incorrectly, EF4 will not survive nor any record.
I make first SaveChanges and flies exception (UpdateException). And I make second SaveChanges and againe fliyng first erorr.
I have an EditText followed by a list view under it. So it works like this - when u type something in the edit text it shows items from the list which match the text above.