I recently came across Pytables and find it to be very cool. It is clear that they are superior to a csv format for very large data sets. I am running some simulations using python. The output is not
Is there a way to create a PyTable with a specific column ord开发者_如何学Cer? By default, the columns are alphabetically ordered when using both dictionary or class for schema definition for the cal
viTables only seems to work with python 2.5.I have downloaded HDFView, but when I try to open a table I created following this tutorial, I get the following error message:
I have HDF5 files with multiple groups, where each group contains a data set with >= 25 million rows.At each time step of simulation, each agent outputs the other agents he/she sensed at that time ste
I am new to PyTables, and am looking at using it to process data generated from an agent-based modeling simulation and stored in HDF5.I\'m working with a 39 MB test file, and am experiencing some stra