Is there a Google Earth control available in the iPad SDK or somew开发者_开发百科ay of having google earth inside my new iPad app?No. You can embed Google Maps content using MapKit but there is no way
I have added a kml to google earth by use of button with javascript. How can I 开发者_运维知识库delete that kml or clear all kml\'s by use of another button?thanksTo remove all the features you can us
Question: Is it possible to use/retrieve Geodat开发者_JAVA技巧a from Google-Earth ? What I want to do is take a little area, get terrain information (coordinates, height, elevation) and simulate how
I\'m not sure if this is possible, but I would like to overlay the N开发者_JAVA百科ormal Google Map Tiles(type: G_NORMAL_MAP) inside of the Google Earth Web Api.The satellite maps have too inconsisten
I want to use Google Earth in a desktop application. My question is which one of these two APIs provided by google d开发者_运维百科o you think has more functionality and/or best support?