I have an OpenGL iOS application and am using an AVAssetReader to read frames from a video and texture a simple model with the video content.
I am capturing a single frame using - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
Basically in my app I record a sound, and play it back, I would like to reverse the playback of this audio.
Some videos uploaded to facebook using iOS Facebook SDK give me the error \"An error occurred while processing your request\"
I\'m trying to record a video while the iPhone playback an audio track. as far as i tried, whenever I simulataniously record and play - the camera get stuck.
I am using an AVAssetWriter to encode a series of images to a movie file, following Zoul\'s answer here: How do I export UIImage array as a movie?.
Is it possible to run the video recorder in backgroundmode on iPhone using the A开发者_如何学JAVAVFoundationFrameWork?
My goal is to stream images captured by AVCpatureInput from one iOS device to another via bonjour. Here is my current method:
I wan开发者_运维技巧t to get album image/cover of song. Is it possible? I\'m using AVPlayer for audio streaming, and i need to get album cover, if song contains it. Like in iTunes.
I\'m using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to grab frames, process them, and then write them to a MOV file using AVAssetWriter.I understand that to set the minimum frame rate for the data input, I need only