I\'m accessing the camera in iOS and using session presets as so: captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium;
I\'m using the AVFoundation framework. In my sample buffer delegate I have the following code: -(void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuf
My apps runing on the appstore are using mp3 and video files that don\'t work since iOS5 update. I\'ve installed xcode 4.2 and...
After I changed AudioSession\'s category from kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback to kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord, the AudioQueueStart method hanged on about 3 ~ 5 seconds to start recording.
I have an application which takes some pictures. My whole application is开发者_Go百科 based on the AVCam sample code from WWDC 2010.
I am actually converting some of my source files to ARC. ARC is very nice, saves time and memory leaks. Actually I\'m trying to convert my AVFoundation code and reached my limits at one very special l
I am trying to play an MP3 via AVAudioPlayer which I thought to be fairly simple. Unfortunately, it\'s not quite working. Here is all I did:
I 开发者_如何转开发use AVFoundation to play audio. When i lock my device with playing music, and press Home button twice, I can see audio controls: forward, rewind, pause/play and volume slider
I use some code to capture still images from the camera. With my iPad2, it grabs 30 frames per second without any trouble, 开发者_C百科but with the iPhone4 only around 4 fps before the imagebuffer get
This piece of code works fine on the simulator. However, when I try to run the export on my iPad, it always hangs at progress value 0.14583-ish. Can somebody help me figure out why? been stuck on this