M35****8426 2022-04-30 05:47 目前常用的宽带接入有以下几种方式:fttx+lan、adsl、光猫、wlan不知道你使用的是哪一种?根据你的描述,估计是adsl方式1.用你的电脑登录到你的adsl modem上,查看一下adsl猫与运
I\'m getting this error when trying to run a query that inserts results into a table in sql. im passing the table name as parameter,how to give the hierarchy value to the insert statement.
I am a newbie in SQL Server 2008 and just got introduced to HierarchyId\'s. I am learning from SQL Server 2008 - HIERARCHYID - PART I. So basically I am following the article line by line and while p