Is it possible to create a url in the form of afp://server/share/someDirectory/someFile.ext to when you open it开发者_运维百科 on a mac in safari, or through mail, it navigates to that folder or file?
Is there an open implementation of a SMB/CIFS server in Java? The only implementation I can find at all is Alfresco\'s but it isn\'t open source.
have to access some media files from Network storage to be accessible through SMB and Common Internet File System.PHP website is required to do file manipulation operations on remote storage block.You
I\'m developing a network-redirector like SMB. I want to test various file I/O to compare NTFS or SMB implementation.
There was a smbmrx sample code using RDBSS in WDK Vista. But since WDK 7600 has been released, the sample was removed. -Do you know why?
I need to automate the \'net use\' command on cygwin. The command is \'net use /user:\"name\" \\somewhere\'. And \'Enter the password for \'name\' to connect to \'prosseek\':\' is expected to enter t
I came across a small hack, which claims it enables smb:// on windows. The complaint was that things like <a href=\"\\\\computername\\path\\file.ext\">text</a> weren\'t working.
I want my HTML page to link to a directory in a Samba share (protocol SMB/CIFS Windows share). In my HREF I wrote file://server/Share2/folder3
If I were to create a Windows shared folder, put 开发者_StackOverflowa database file in that folder to be shared among multiple users of our client app, is that an NFS or SMB shared folder?For the rec