I have a very simple jcarousellite script w开发者_开发问答orking, but I want to be able to turn \'off\' the left or right button when there aren\'t any more items to be displayed either right or left.
I want to build a carousel slideshow us开发者_JAVA技巧ing the jQuery plugin called \"jCarousel Lite\" (http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/). I have this up and running. The trick is, I want
I am trying to stop the animation of my jcarouselled item when the user is hovering over a particular开发者_开发百科 item. I am scrolling non-image content and I want to give user an opportunity to re
http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/?#demo Hi, jcarousellite is a very nice jquery extension. I am using it for both auto slideshow and prev/next button.
I want a jCarouselLite gallery to act as scrolling thumbnails and present a larger image next to it by somehow refering to it\'s currently displayed images (then selecting the first image through an a
I have jCarousel Lite going in Drupal with images of various sizes/aspect ratios.I\'m not having much luck trying 开发者_运维知识库to center the images vertically and horizontally (i.e. evenly-spaced)
How can I reset the auto-scroll interval on my jCarouselLite carousel after some event so that it lets you look at the content for the full interval, regardless of how far along the timer was when you