using prawn gem i display table in the pdf file.. now i want to set position of the table, please guide me how to work on this..
Here my code rendering pdf is ok .But I don\'t want render directly save to the rails folder how? Help me please
I have a Rails 3 app that produces PDF documents using Prawn. In the Gemfile I have: gem \"prawn\", \'= 0.12.0\'
**I want to insert a table inside a parent table column.** e.g :- <table> <tr> <th> Type </th>
I am developing some prawn reports and running into an issue where any line I draw with a code like the following will render only in the last page.
So I have the following code: items = [ [\"Photo\",\"Name\", \"Qty\", \"Unit Price\", \"Amount\"] ] items += do |oitem|
I have tabular content, basically one big table, that needs to span across both pages of an open book. So imagine that a book or catalog is open in front of you. Every time you turn a page, you will s
I\'ve installed the prawn gem in my application. gem \'prawn\', :git => \"git://\", :tag => \'0.10.2\', :submodules => true
I would like to create a template in doc, pdf, odt, docx ... document type does not matter. What I want is to get this document, change some values and convert this document to PDF.
I\'m creating a pdf book where I need to put a background image for each page. The size of the page is (576 x 576) andthe size of the background image is 2700 x 2700 (300 dpi.) (These sizes are the r