I have a Viewport3D with a few items in it, and I want to add additional items to it that are from a collection that can be data bound to. Is there something like that, that would allow code like this
I\'m starting experimenting with WPF 3D rendering, and one of the first problems I\'m facing, is how to disable face culling.
I have a 3D Modell of a house, where the roof is invisible so that the rooms can be seen (like here) But (for now) I have no textures and each surface has the same color, e.g.,
I am having problem in displaying th Image in viewport3d of wpf. <Grid> <Image Source=\"G:\\Demo\\virtualization\\virtualization\\2.jpg\"/>
I have implemented zooming and panning in my WPF app using a RenderTranform combining scaling and translations.
I want to present up to 300 strings (ju开发者_JS百科st a few words) in a Viewport3D - fast! I want to render them on different Z positions and zoom in and out fluently.
网络才不要呢 2022-03-24 11:开发者_StackOverflow社区04 80平米房子全包价格是5-6万左右,半包装修价格是30000左右。
If I have a .Net Bitmap, I can create from it a GDI bitmap by calling the Bitmap\'s GetHbitmap() method.
知足常乐77 开发者_JAVA百科 2022-04-25 06:30 新冠疫苗无论是接种在左手臂还是右上臂都是可以的,考虑到右手臂在平时生活中使用率比较高,因此如果你没有和医务人员特别说明需要打在右手臂,医务人员都是会默认
I started to 开发者_运维百科learn some 3D in WPF today and I copied some simple examples (planes) into my XAML, and they all worked. However, when I adjusted the camera\'s and the plane\'s coordinates