I have a class MyMap which wraps TreeMap. (Say it\'s a collection of dogs and that the keys are strings).
I created a class DateTime (which wraps GregorianCalendar). I also created a class Event. I would like to create a collection of events from which I can retrieve an event by its date.
How can one calculate how much memory a Java TreeMap needs to handle each mapping? I am doing an experiment with 128 threads, each dumping 2^17 longs in its own array.
I\'m writing a Java program that\'s using the TreeMap interface, and I\'m having a problem with containsKey. It is returning true even when I give containsKey something that I know for certain is not
public final Comparator<String> ID_IGN_CASE_COMP = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String s1, String s2) {