I am in the middle of creating a cloud integration framework for iOS. We allow you to save, query, count and remove with synchronous and asynchronous with selector/callback and block implementations.
Consider the follow开发者_运维技巧ing code fragment: for(/* some condition */) { int x = rand();
As part of a unit test framework, I\'m writing a function genArray that will generate NSArrays populated by a passed in generator block. So [ObjCheck genArray: genInt] would generate an NSArray of ran
- (NSString *) geocodeAddressFromCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate { CLLocation *location = [[CLLocation alloc]initWithLatitude:coordinate.latitude longitude:coordinate.longitude];
When my app is offline I would like to store some call to the server in order to replay them later when the app goes back online.
This Question references this Question: How to simplify callback logic with a Block? My header has these typedefs
so i\'m using AFNetworking for doing asynchronous requests with web-services. AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation operationWithRequest:request success:^(id JSON)
I\'m currently porting some classes from the Apple iOS Foundation Framework to C++ and i\'m expecting some issues. I\'m trying to port this Obj-C method from the NSExpression @class :
Apple\'s Grand Central Dispatch reference says: \"...if your application needs to operate at the Unix level of the
I\'m relatively new to iOS and I want to animate an UIImageview through a series of images. I would usually do this with code like this: